Damage at the Argoed Sports Grounds

Cricket pitch rubbish removal

Recent damage to the sports grounds by persons unknown (although they are on CCTV gaining access to the fields) has resulted in the ASA (Argoed Sports Association) appealing for funds to purchase security cameras and other crime prevention equipment. Damage has been as below:

Our groundsman had to clear the cricket pitch of bottles, general litter, part of the football pitch railings. Good to see that McDonalds is open again and we can start clearing up their litter as well.

Cricket pitch rubbish removal
Items collected from the cricket pitch

As a result of this damage, fund raising is taking place to raise money to purchase CCTV equipment to cover the entry points to the ground, as well as tighten up the access. Over £500 has already been donated.

To donate to the ASA please click here:
